Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Monkey & Cooper
Daddy put a new scratcher in the kittycoop today.
He knows we like to change it up a bit!
Then, (u know who - miss nosey) came outside.
She pretends she doesn't care, but then her curiosity gets the best of her, then she comes a runnin'.
I was hoping Daddy would let me out onto the balcony, but the birds came and that means we "for-sure" can't be outside.
Coopie spotted them first...Then I did!
We really wanted to go outside to play with them.
I think Daddy didn't trust us.
I know!!! That's what I'm sayin'.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Monkey Loves Daddy
Both these videos star Cooper and I. One is early on in our relationship, just as we were getting to know each other.
Sorry, if you've seen it before, but if you haven't, i hope you enjoy.
Heh heh, the good ole days.
Here is the second video of us still getting to know each other.
At this time, we began getting along, but neither one of us wanted to admit that we liked the other.
Sometimes she sure made my blood boil.
But above everything else, I love Cooper and am glad we rescued her.
Even though she's a Daddy hog, she puts up with me, and that's a good thing.
Only cuz I put up with her more!!
I like that she hogs Daddy's attention, 'cuz that's all I need as a reason to kick her butt!
Happy Father's Day to Daddy and all the other great dads out there.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Monkey Counter
Well, so yeah....I got busted on the counter.
Not so much busted, but caught.
Daddy didn't mind too much, becuz I helped him find the book he was looking for.
One of our friends is thinking about getting another kitty.
This book, "cat vs. cat", had lots of good information, so we're lending it to our friend.
It's a good thing I stumbled upon it. I couldda been totally busted-busted. Heh Heh
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Monkey Exploring More
Today, Daddy let us out onto the balcony for awhile. Cooper plopped herself underneath the bird feeder.
Me, on the otherpaw, decided to explore those flowers some more.
Even though we were out in full force, the birds still came to feed.
The birdies weren't even afraid.
Oh boy, did I have fun.
Daddy was letting me do whatever I wanted.
I got to sniff, bite, touch and chew on a plant, when Daddy wasn't looking. heh Heh
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Monkey - A New Bed
Soooo cool! Mommy got me another bed!!
I think we have over a dozen of them. Heh heh
Daddy always says, "It's a good thing, becuz he sure needed another bed." Ignoring Daddy, Mommy will then plop me into it, and say, "Asi es la vida de un rey! Verdad, Papasote?" (Papasote? That's me. The rest...who knows?)
Mommy and I think it's good to have lots of beds.
Sometimes we even give them away to newly adopted kitties we know.
This new one is just like my favorite "1st Bed" ever!!
Ooooh, the good 'ole days.
Wow, my first bed.. (pausing. thinking.) Whoah! That's like....2 years old - almost! Like me!
Actually, I still love that little blue bed.
Only nowadays, it's outside in my kittycoop.
Today, I took a nap in my new one in the morning, and the blue one in the afternoon.
I even share them with Coopie.....sometimes!
I think I'll go nap in one now.
Wish you kitties could come over to nap. There's lots of bed to go around! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monkey Bird Stare
I get a visit every now and then from my pretty little turtle dove.
She usually just sits on the railing and smiles and winks at me.
Today she watched me from the palm tree first. Then she flew in to land on the balcony rail.
We stared at each other for a long time.
Today, she came a little closer to the kittycoop and stared at me for what seemed like forever.
I was so involved in the pretty birdie, I completely missed the call for tweats.
Can u believe that?
Monday, June 11, 2007
Monkey Strollin'
Recently, Mommy and Daddy took us out for a stroll.
It had been quite awhile since we'd gone, since I had started get'g motion sickness. During our walk, we got to stop and smell Mommy pointed out 2 hummingbirds. For once, I didn't have to beat Coopie down. She stayed in her area and didn't get in mine.the pretty flowers that were
blooming everywhere.
They are super fast!
To make things even better, to everyone's surprise, I didn't get sick. That was a big bonus for me!
As always, we got tweats when we got home!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Monkey Plant Exploration
Daddy let me out of the kittycoop so I could explore.
I had so much ground to cover, with limited time.
It was my first priority to check out the new plants and flowers Daddy bought.
They are a big help in getting the birds to come in and feed.
They seem pretty welcoming, don't you think. They had me coming in close.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
Monkey Fishing
Today, when Mommy was feeding all the fishies and turtles, I was waiting for remnants of their food to fall on the floor. While I waited, I sniffed around for older flakes I might have missed.
Mommy also checked on Mr. Pleco. You can see him here in this photo. See his nose, it has a big scratch on it. Poor Mr. Pleco!!
Lucky for him, it seems to be healing quite well.
Since it was Cooper who attacked him, she has now been banned from going near the tank. Actually, I believe the word is..."exiled". (From the entire vicinity of both tanks.) Unless she is supervised/carried by Mommy or Daddy. Never alone!
Heh Heh That's what she gets!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
Monkey Bird Watching
Some mornings, I don't feel like going outside. I like to stay in the room and keep to myself.
I don't have a problem being alone, becuz I get to do my bird watching in peace. AND, right from my bed on the dresser.
It overlooks the palm tree where all the little birdies live.
A lot of the birds go to and from the bird feeder out by my kitty coop.
Sometimes I run back and forth and try to follow them.
Other times, I just pretend I'm invisible and stalk them from my room. Heh Heh