Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monkey Good to Go

Hey everykitty, I have good news to report.
I had a great trip to the vet today and I was a very good kitty.
I'm happy to tell you all that my test results came back benign!
I was very cooperative when Dr. M. had to look in my mouth.
I only growled for 1/2 a second. Heh Heh
He showed Mommy so she could see how un-irritated my mouth was compared to last week.
Mommy was sad that she hadn't seen it since she brushes my teeth so often.
Dr. M was nice to Mommy and told her that Mommy's can't see or catch everything and that she should be happy that she took me to the vet for my physical so it could be caught.
He said my mouth looked so much better than last week.
He was very happy with the way it had healed.
I do however, have a sort of viral thing that may cause inflammation in areas of my mouth so Dr. M. took more tests to see how we can keep them from coming back.
For now, he gave me antibiotics for another week.
I wasn't thrilled about that, but it's better than staying there without my Mommy again!
He was also impressed that my teeth were so clean and he gave Mommy kudos for keeping them healthy.
Dr. M. told Mommy that most of his kitty patients have to come in and have them cleaned!!
Can you believe that?
I would not like that at all!
I hope you kitties all have a great week!
Thank you so much for your kind words and support.
Gotta go pounce on Cooper.......zoooom!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Monkey After Procedure

Here I am up in my condo.
Of course I was completely out of it and knew there was no getting down, so I finally rested my weary head and drifted off to sleep.
Mommy put blankets and cushions around the condo in case I insisted on trying to get down myself.
I actually slept for a few hours and when I woke up and wanted to get down, Daddy was there to help me.
After I drank some water, I decided to sleep on my bed on the floor.
Early the next morning I was up and at'em and back to my Monkey self!
I even kissed Cooper a few times, just for good luck! heh heh
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Monkey Home from Vet
My vet story Part 3 of 3:
Finally, they strolled me out into the office area and there was Mommy.
I was so glad to see her again.
She strolled me out to the car, but instead of letting me roam around, she made me stay in the stroller while we drove home.
I was very unhappy.
I was very very unhappy.
I felt very strange.
Mommy kept telling me we were almost home, and once we pulled into the garage, I got very antsy.
She parked the car quickly and got me out of the car and into the elevator before I knew it.
I think we got on from a different floor than normal.
Let me tell you that it felt good when we finally got home, but still..things were not right!!!
Once she took me out of the stroller and set me down on the floor, I felt a little dizzy.
There I was, in the middle of the living room and it felt like the room was spinning.
It was acutally me that was spinning or something like it.
I was unable to walk a straight around, my less a straight line.
At the same time, I was unable to sit still.
My vision distorted.
I was deeply annoyed.
I was scared.
I just wanted things to be right again.
Coopie came toward me and I gave her a wallop.
She hissed at me and ran the other way.
What was her problem?
Mommy crawled around on the floor following me around, while I tried to get myself right.
After a little while, Mommy decided to put me in the hallway where I couldn't walk around so much or bump into anything.
Once there, she gave me babyfood and water.
After a short break, I insisted she let me into my room.
She put Cooper out so I could try to relax.
I kept wobbling around and it was really bothering me.
Mommy just kept talking to me quietly and telling me that it would be ok.
I was happy that she was there, but I couldn't help but growl every now and then.
Hours later I decided to lay down on the floor because walking around was too much work.
There I sat, confused as to what was going on.
Cooper was allowed into the room, but I wasn't in the mood for her so when she tried to walk up to me I growled at her. She could tell I was upset so she hissed at me then walked away.
Mommy talked her into to sitting on the bed and just watching me from afar!!!
After lying on the floor for an hour or so Mommy gave me my meds and just watched me from the bed.
I kept looking up at my kitty condo but knew I wasn't able to climb up there on my own.
Mommy put me on the middle level and then pillowed up the surrounding areas and let me go to sleep.
At last, I got sleepy, very sleepy and was very glad that the big long day was over.
I was home and warm and things were going to be just right.
Now all we have to do is wait for my biopsy results.
Hope you kitties enjoyed my dramatic 3 day story!!
Have a great Sunday.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Monkey Stays at Vet Cooper Leaves

Vet Story Part 2 of 3:
As my story continues....
While I'm stuck at the vet, Cooper got to ride home with Mommy.
I was glad that I got to stay in my stroller and in a quiet room without other animals and loud noises to disturb me.
I was already in a bad mood so this was a good thing Mommy insisted on.
It seems way more comfy than a cold kennel with NEIGHBORS AND FOOT TRAFFIC.
Well I was eventually able to take a nap....until Dr. M summoned for me.
Then I felt a forced nap come on, since I was very aggravated at whatever they were doing and whatever they were going to do to me!
On the other side of town, Cooper lay by the front door whining and waiting and wanting me to come home.
Mommy couldn't believe it when Daddy told her that.
She's never heard Cooper be sad when I wasn't around!!!
Awww, you gotta love her.
I can tell you that I was surely missing Coopie, Mommy, Daddy and my home!!!
I was not happy being left at the vet, nor was I looking forward to anything, but going home.
Stay tuned for Part 3.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Monkey Cooper Wednesday Vet Trip

First of all, I knew there was something fishy going on when Mommy conveniently placed our stroller in the room.
Have I got a story for you (Part 1 of 3):
Yesterday morning, Mommy took Coopie and I to the vet for our 3 yr. check-ups. Mommy was excited because we were going to see a new vet, Dr. M, since our beloved Dr. Evans moved to Virginia awhile back!!
Well, I didn’t care how excited Mommy was to meet this new Dr. M, because ever since the last time I had to go there when my paw was jacked up and wasn’t healing, I’ve hated that place. Mommy wanted to give them another chance, so I had no choice.
Anyway, Cooper and I both weigh 12.1 lbs. I thought that was kinda weird since she’s a little more filled out than I, if you get my drift.
When it was time for them to take my temperature, they decided to cancel that idea since I wasn’t being very cooperative. Mommy was shocked at my unwillingness to cooperate. Usually, I’m a “go with it” kind of cat. Ya know?
He checked my heart rate, squeezed me here and there. Checked my ears and my eyes and then only one side of my mouth, since I was being very serious and giving them the evil eyes and GROWLING a lot!!
Since the tech. was helping Dr. M with my exam, he asked the tech to check the other side of my mouth. That's when the tech said, “oh, this looks like an ulcer.”
At that point, Mommy jumped out of her chair and said, “what?”, "where?". Dr. M told Mommy to come around and look for herself. The tech handed Dr. M a tissue and he put it in my mouth and wiped the blood away from the thing I’d been apparently hiding.
Dr. M told Mommy that she should make another appointment and bring me back to have the tumor removed so it could be biopsied.
Mommy insisted they keep me and perform the procedure right then and there.
So she made sure they could keep me in my stroller with my blanket instead of putting me in one of those cold kennels they have in the back.
So Dr. M put me back in the stroller and then began to do Coopie's exam.
Yeah, yeah, she was fine. Perfect he said.
Mommy said her goodbyes to me and so did Cooper.
Dr. M strolled me to the back room and Mommy was gone.
Stay tuned for Part 2.
Hope you kitties are all healthy, happy and loved.
Monkey loves you.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Monkey Sitting with Cooper
we both saw a bug.
then it disappeared.
we saw the bug again.
then she saw it, but i didn't.
i thought i saw it again, just over coopie's head.
nope. it was not the bug.
still, loopie had here eyes on it!!!!!
finally, i saw the bug move around on the floor.
i stared at him for a moment....
then i quickly realized i was quite bored with the whole thing.
coopie and i looked at each other and knew the feeling was mutual.....snorrr!!
we then parted ways and decided to take naps.
hope you kitties have a great weekend.