I really don't know what it is that The Girl has to worry about?
I'm in one room, minding my own monkeybusiness, per usual...........
Why would I be thinking, or planning or scheming, about when she's gonna come "shootin" out of the room.
I'm just chillin'.
It's rough when your little sister thinks you're gonna do her any harm, when all you do is love and adore her.
I couldn't imagine a day without her.
She is the sunshine in my day.
She is the sweet, in my dreams....eh...
Shhhh! Here she comes.
(I wiggle.)
Just 'cuz I'm a boy, doesn't mean I'm the dominant one.
I'm a love bucket and a truly sweet and tender big brother.
I just like to keep her on her toes, for when other kitties try to rough her up.
Not that it would ever happen, since she is an inside cat, however, that's really not the point.
Um, what was my point?????
Oh yeah, clearing my name, right? Right!
(She gets closer.....)
(Again, I wiggle)
....(Wiggle and wait.)
Furthermore, I certainly can't blog and concentrate on living at full monkeybunkeybusiness capacity as I live my monkeybunkey life.
I have way more things to do with my time than jump on her every chance I get.
I can't just live up to the image of a kitty who flies by the seat of his paws.
I do need to plan somewhat so that my execution is clean and precise.
In short, I don't appreciate her neurotic behavior getting blamed on me.
Ok, back to work......
Here she comes.............."P.O.U.N.C.E.!!!!!"
(Sound of Cooper shrieking)................I'm gone, like DonkeyKong.......!
Another clean hit...n'run! Heh Heh
Hey...........what do you expect?
It's the monkey in me!
Have a great weekend kitties.