Monkey Friday Stwetch-n-Snooze
Friday was such a lovely day.
At sunrise, I was already "up-n-at'em".
I had my morning tweats. I had given myself a mornin' bath. I was ready for my huge day!! I had lots of things to do and I decided to stop procrastinating.

So.......I went out into my kittycoop to see what kind of action was happening with the birds and the bird feeder.
There was no action.
So, with that, I decided I would just chill.
After a big yawn and after a big stwetchy-stwetch, I snoozed!
That was all part of my plan!

Have a nice weekend kitties.
i wish i could visit you in your kitty coop
Awww, HoneyP. I wish you could too!
Stretches and naps! Two of the best things in the world!
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