Saturday, October 14, 2006
About Me
- Name: monkeybunkey
- Location: Westwood, California, United States
I may be a Russian Blue. (Some add "Mix", others, don't care!) / Names I respond to: Monkey-Bunkey, Schmagel, Schmaig, Detty-Bitty Boo Boo, Pa-Pa, Stwetchy-Stwetch and Slice / Things I love: Playing in my tent, and when I get random bursts of energy, I enjoy running around a gazillion miles an hour with no where to go in our tiny apartment. I'm nuts and love it! I don't particularly care for getting my face wet when drinking water and I'm not too into my new little sister (she need not be named). I'm not afraid to say I'm extremely photogenic. Also, my Mommy's been told many times that I'm the friendliest kitten ever!


Guess you were just partying tooooooo hard Monkey! You're what our mom would call a 'sleep bundle'! Love the upside-down head and relaxed paws!
Have you ever thought of becoming even more famous and writing a manual on how to enjoy sleep? If you attached all your fantastic photos I'm sure you'd make a whole heap of money as insomniacs all over the world would rush to buy it!!
Love to Monkey B the Sleepmaster!
Saffi and Jasmin xxxx
Africa will never be the same!
Kisses from your favorite gal in a boa!
Ohh, how cute.
Saffi & Jasmin, "sleep bundle" I really like that. Mommy actually almost named me bundle. Isn't that funny? As for the book, it's in the works. Maybe you can give me some input on the pictures i pick? Thanks Monk-sleepbundle-bunk
Ma Princessa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So excited you left me a note. (zoomin' and zoomin') We'll always have Africa!
Big big-time kittyloves, Monkadocious
Ms. Cecilia, you are the cute one. Thank you so much for always being a sweet heart! You are a gem. Monkers
Hehee! What can I say, but awwwww...
a ball of cute, soft fuzz! so sweet
emma's kat, thanks. Monkers
g,m&c, feels nice. we're lucky we gots it like that, us kitties, huh? Thanks. Monkey
You look so cute all curled up!
Too cute... too cute I say
Junior and Lukie Dukie, thank you so much. I strive to be half as cute as you! Monkey
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