Monkey with Dog Tags - For a Good Cause

National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Plus, I know the chicks would, no doubt, dig their Monkey in the dog tags! (snicker)
how cute is Monkey? no, really. how cute??
National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Plus, I know the chicks would, no doubt, dig their Monkey in the dog tags! (snicker)
From your favorite dog - love the dog tags!
Very cool picture - it needs to be on the breast cancer website!
From your pink-lovin' boa gal!
Very nice picture, and a very good cause.
Those are nice tags!
excellent PSA! an ya look furry cute too
MackD, P-MoMo, Ms. Ceci, Jr. and grr, midnight & cocoa,
Thank you very much for all the wonderful notes. They warm me up on a chilly evening. Monkers
Is MackD your favorite dog? I thought I was?
Yeah, MackD is me, isn't it, Monkey?
*scratching head in total confusion, thinking he was a cat, but Monkey thinks he's a dog?*
Looking at those tags again...I like them. I wonder if my Meowm would get me a set....
I wrote MackD 'cuz I knew my favorite dog and fave boa girl would know that I knew who my faves were! Hello? I was writing to "MackD", as in, "listen here (associates of the Mackadocious), I know who you are." I was writing in code, just like you were. (snicker) still confused?
Junior my friend, they were on loan. If they were really mine, I would definitely give them to you. I would! Monkey
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