Let's all help when and where we can. Click this link for more information: Alley Cat Allies
Big thanks to my buddy, Junior for hipping me to it so I can spread the word too!
I may be a Russian Blue. (Some add "Mix", others, don't care!) / Names I respond to: Monkey-Bunkey, Schmagel, Schmaig, Detty-Bitty Boo Boo, Pa-Pa, Stwetchy-Stwetch and Slice / Things I love: Playing in my tent, and when I get random bursts of energy, I enjoy running around a gazillion miles an hour with no where to go in our tiny apartment. I'm nuts and love it! I don't particularly care for getting my face wet when drinking water and I'm not too into my new little sister (she need not be named). I'm not afraid to say I'm extremely photogenic. Also, my Mommy's been told many times that I'm the friendliest kitten ever!
I wouldn't have know about it without the Cat Blogosphere.....we all help each other!
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